Liverpool FC U18 Stats
Matches Played
Games Won
General |
Passes | 0 |
Passes per match | 0 |
Passes accuracy | 0% |
Posession | 40.25% |
Assists | 5 |
Long balls | 0 |
Crosses | 0 |
Cross accuracy | 0% |
Yellow cards | 14 |
Red cards | 0 |
Fouls | 63 |
Offsides | 19 |
Attack |
Goals | 20 |
Goals per match | 2 |
Shots | 0 |
Shots on Target | 0 |
Shooting accuracy | 0% |
Shots in the box | 0 |
Shots outside the box | 0 |
Penalties taken | 3 |
Penalties scored | 1 |
Corners | 40 |
Big Chances | 0 |
Big Chances missed | 0 |
Defence |
Goals Conceded | 29 |
Goals conceded per match | 2.9 |
Clean Sheets | 0 |
Saves | 0 |
Tackles | 0 |
Blocked shots | 0 |
Interceptions | 0 |
Clearances | 0 |
Errors leading to goal | 0 |
Own goals | 1 |
Top Scorers |
Joseph Bradshaw | 5 |
Joshua Lambie | 5 |
Karim Ahmed | 3 |
Ollie O'Connor | 2 |
Louis Enahoro-Marcus | 2 |
Schofield Lonmeni | 2 |
Fola Onanuga | 1 |
Most Assists |
Clae Ewing | 4 |
Karim Ahmed | 2 |
DJ Esdaille | 1 |
Ryan Cowley | 1 |
Rio Ngumoha | 1 |
Joshua Lambie | 1 |